Food tech Industry in India
Project Name
Foodtech App
A deep understanding of the food tech industry in India and creating a new Food tech App, for the Indian Market
Project Contents
Part 1 - Understanding the market
Part 2 - User research
Part 3 - Business Model Canvas
Part 4 - Product Artifacts - User Persona, User Journey Map
Part 5 - MVP Creation
Part 6 - Sketching
Part 7 - Wireframing & Prototyping
Part 1 - Understanding the market
Analysis - Business model and Future Initiatives
Part 2 - User Research
Original Hypothesis
Ordering food online is expensive
Drivers and delivery personnel situation should be better taken care of
Restaurants do not gain alot and businesses suffer selling through food tech platforms
Food tech companies are not very environment friendly/sustainable
People would like to see accurate pictures of food and live kitchen camera for sanitation issues
Greater scope for better services and customer satisfaction
To validate the above hypothesis through qualitative feedback from interviews with 8 users and quantitative feedback through a survey with 30 people.
The objective is to find customer pain points, customer experience, and customer awareness on the following -
different food ordering apps customers are aware of
customer delight points and customer pain points regarding - food ordering experience
food delivery experience
food packaging experience
sustainability related practices
delivery time
price points and offers for customers
lastly other services that can drive customer delight